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Please read and check the“Personal Information Authorization and Protection Statement” “Privacy Policy''
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Personal Information Authorization and Protection Statement

We attach great importance to the protection of user information. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We hope to explain to you through this statement how we collect, use, share and protect your information when applicable to specific information left scenarios, in order to further ensure your information security and provide you with more personalized and high-quality services. Before using our information keep service (hereinafter referred to as the "service") and filling in relevant information on the corresponding page, please read this statement carefully. Once you voluntarily fill in the information on the corresponding page and submit it, it means that you agree to our collection, use and sharing of your relevant information in accordance with this statement.

Ⅰ Collection of personal information

1. When we provide services, we may collect your name and phone number. Please note that the specific information to be filled in may vary depending on the products/services we provide. Please fill in the relevant personal information based on the services displayed to you at that time and the corresponding requirements. However, we will explain to you below the rules for the collection and use of all personal information we may collect.

2. Please note that the above personal information is voluntarily provided by you. You have the right to refuse to provide, but may not be able to use the corresponding services, functions or achieve the intended effect of the service.

3. For users under the age of 18, they must submit relevant personal information only if their guardian accompanies them and has read and understood this statement and allowed it.

Ⅱ Use and sharing of personal information

1. You agree that we can use and share personal information through the following methods:

① In order to ensure your normal use of relevant functions or services provided by us, our affiliates or partners, or to ensure safe use or conduct necessary product usage analysis, we may collect necessary information for use or sharing with the aforementioned parties (such as log information related to your use of services);

② We accept the commission of the relevant business clients corresponding to your left information, share the information you proactively provide in the form with them, and use it within the legitimate and authorized scope (such as timely contact with you). In addition, to ensure a better service experience for you, we may share necessary user profile label information that is difficult to identify with the aforementioned customers and use it within a legitimate scope (such as promoting relevant contact content and contact time to better meet your requirements);

③ We and our affiliated companies may contact you through the information you provide to meet your needs;

④ We and our affiliated companies may regularly or irregularly send you information about products, services or related activities;

⑤ Based on our cooperation with communication operators, with your consent, the operator will send us your phone number so that we can provide you with fast services.

2. We will strictly protect the security of your personal information. We will adopt appropriate systems, security techniques and procedures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. We will also urge all recipients and users mentioned in this statement to make every effort to protect and not disclose your personal information.

3. We will request and urge the recipient of personal information to comply with the provisions of this statement and laws and regulations, and use the personal information they receive with caution. If any use of your personal information beyond the scope of this statement infringes on your legitimate rights and interests, we will assist you in holding the recipient accountable.

Ⅲ Applicable Law

1. This declaration is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

Ⅳ Revision

We will make timely revisions to this statement, which will form a part of this statement. The official website will publish the revised statement. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised statement.

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