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Recruitment of distribution services

Welcome to join the New Gonow family and empower new energy logistics vehicles

Distributor recruitment

1. The applicant voluntarily accepts the evaluation, assessment, and final recognition results conducted by New Gonow Group according to the standards.2. After joining as a New Gonow distributor, voluntarily abide by the various management, guidance and default penalties provided by New Gonow Group according to standards.

3. Understand and agree with the business philosophy and sales model of New Gonow Group, have full confidence in the "New Gonow Automobile" business, and are willing to invest in the long-term for common development;
4. Registered with the national administration for industry and commerce, possessing independent legal personality and legal business credentials;

5. Possess or be able to own land used to meet the operational needs of New Gonow Motors. The area, service life and other requirements should not be lower than those of each level, and the land should be located in a location that is easy to find and easy to access within the main local automobile business district. 

Recruitment of service providers

1. Understand the service philosophy of New Gonow Auto's after-sales service, agree with the standard requirements of New Gonow Auto's after-sales service, have confidence in the cause of "New Gonow Auto's after-sales service", and are willing to cooperate and develop together in the long term;
2. Maintenance enterprises with qualifications to provide maintenance services, spare parts supply, and information feedback, registered with the national industrial and commercial administration, with independent legal personality and legal business credentials;
3. Possess or be able to own land spaces, areas, service life and other requirements that are not lower than the requirements of each level to meet the after-sales service and maintenance business needs of New Gonow Auto. The land spaces are located in easily accessible locations within the main local automotive business district;
4. The enterprise is in good operating condition, has sufficient financial strength, and has the ability to invest in the construction of New Gonow Auto after-sales service station, and ensures the continuous existence of the qualification within the validity period. It complies with the various service standards, regulations, and service documents formulated by New Gonow Auto from time to time, and provides high-quality and fast services to customers;

5. It is necessary to have experience in the automotive maintenance industry and possess the personnel configuration, tools and facilities, service venues, and service image required for the after-sales service of New Gonow Auto. Applicants with new energy vehicle service and maintenance experience are preferred.

Recruitment contact information
Recruitment phone number
Recruitment email
Join New Gonow
Your trust is the biggest driving force for us to move forward. New Gonow will contact you within 3-7 working days, please keep your calls online.
*Company Name
*Currently operating automotive brands or industries
Dealers please fill in
Service providers please fill in
*Contact person

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